Tuesday, November 30, 2010

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DOWNLOAD HEREDownload BIRC_02.jar irc application Jowo @ allnetwork Comunity use the Java language. Ad offerings from http://bintangjayareload.wen9.c...


DOWNLOAD HEREDownload BIRC_01.jar applications jowo @ allnetwork irc community. Presentation of ad http://bintangjayareload.wen9.com, chating more friends and more mon...


DOWNLOAD HEREDownload the IRC application xixixirc.jar is quite beautiful and nak...


DOWNLOAD HEREDownload xixirc.jar want to laugh I saw it. kwkwakwakwakw ..............


 Download:DOWNLOAD HEREDownload machoIRC v0.5 is worth a try. not so much extra that is in version ll far from perfect. hopefully there are some people who like i...

download machoIRC v32

DOWNLOAD HEREDownload v0.32. We recommend that advice should not be downloaded application ini.bila your hp low speed only, this application is very heav...

Monday, November 29, 2010


machoirc 04 downloadKAbar gembira bagi orang jawa aplikasi ini di edit jadi pakai bahasa jawa yag gak bisa bahas.indonesia bisa pakek ini (padahal aku yo gak iso) applikasi ini aku dapat dri webnya mas jowo semoga bermanfaat ya teman tem...

Friday, November 12, 2010


WILERESIRSThe last, andindeed thebest, IRCClient I triedwas "WirelessIRC" (9.99fromHandango).This was byfar the slickest IRC client iused and is the client i nowuse daily. It looks good, itconnects seamlessly, itstabbed windows makes it easyto navigate different chat-rooms and since its notfreeware/shareware, it hassome customer support forwhen you have problems. Itsolves all the problems i hadwith the other clients.The UIis more graphic and far moreuser-friendly than either Vircaor WLIrc and it has far moreconnection and setting optionsthan the free clients. The text-input problem is also solved asthe text-input screen pops-upat the bottom of the chatwindow which allows you toread other people messagesas you type your own. Textcan also be...

VIRCA irc mobile client

 VIRCAThis firstclient i tried,which camerecommendedby the guys in#mobitopia,was Virca. It'sa J2ME basedIRC Clientwhich is free to use making ita good place to start. Its avery simple piece of softwarewith no frills. The interface istext-based and very simpleand setting-up a connection iseasily done. My onlyannoyance is the fact that youcan't just start thumbing inmessages but have to push inthe joystick first to open thetext-input screen. This alsomeans you can't see whatpeople are saying while youare typing a message.Thetext-based interface also getsvery annoying and a morestructured interface would befar more appropriate.Supports any java-enabledmobile phon...

K-IRC mobile client

K-IRC(Mobile IRCClient)k-IRC istotally freejava-basedmobileapplication(client) forconnectingto any IRCserver.Itwill executeon anyhandhelddevice ormobile,supportingJava 2 MicroEdition(actuallyCLDC1.0/MIDP1.0). k-IRC allowsyou to loginto an IRCserver,entermultiplechannels atthe samesession, talkin thechannelsand withindividualsand receiveothers'messagesand easilykeep thetrack ofactivechannelsand switchbetweenthe...

WLirc mobile client

WLIRC is a IRC Client for Javacell phones or any otherdevice who support java MIDP1.0.DownloadTo download the program toyour phone, simply write thisaddress in your wap browser:http://wirelessirc.sourceforge.net/WLIrc.jad (the address iscasesensitive)or visit the download pageFeatures:Runs on any J2ME device.Support multiple windows.Support connection througt anhttp gateway for devices whodoesnt support sockets. (Listof available servers)Saves configuration on thephone for later use. thatmeans that you need only oneclick to connect and join yourfavorite channels.Reported to work with:Nokia: 2650(*), 3100(*),3120(*), 3200(*),3300(*),3410(*), 3510i(*),3650(*), 5100(*), 5140, 6020,6030, 6060, 6021, 6100(*), 6101,6220, 6230, 6230i, 6230, 6255(*),6260,...

JMIRC mobile client

JMIRC - IRC MIDlet for mobile      phonesjmIrc is a J2ME MIDlet allowingie. cell phone owners to useIRC wirelessly. It should workon any device supporting MIDP1.0 and also supportsconnecting through HTTPproxy server on phones thatdon't support the Java socketAPI.This project started as a forkof Sverre Valskrå's WLIrc buteventually led to be acomplete rewrite project. Itsaim is to be as small andlightweight as possible stilltrying to maintain the ease ofuse and all needed features.At the same time it tries to besome kind of hybridimplementing all the mostuseful features from otherclients.Some featuresShould run on any J2ME deviceTries to be small and easy touse (v0.95 is 34 kB, Virca is 33kB and WLIrc 1.0 is 49...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


IRC was born during summer 1988 when Jarkko "WiZ" Oikarinen wrote the first IRC client and server at the University of Oulu, Finland (where he was working at the Department of Information Processing Science). Jarkko intended to extend the BBS software he administrated at tolsun.oulu.fi, to allow news the usenet style, real time discussions and similar BBS features. The first part he implemented was the chat part, which he did with borrowed parts written by his friends Jyrki Kuoppala and Jukka Pihl. It was initially tested on a single machine, and according to the words from Jarkko himself "The birthday of IRC was in August 1988. The exact date is unknown, at the end of the month anyways.". The first IRC server was named tolsun.oulu.fi....

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